There’s so much to love about autumn: pumpkins, harvest moon, the first frost, etc. However, fall is also the season to stay on top of your home maintenance tasks. These include trimming your trees, cleaning your gutter, and checking your furnace.
Before winter arrives, it’s crucial to verify if your heating system is working. If it’s been a while since you had a furnace tune-up, you may need to schedule a visit from an HVAC professional.
That said, let’s talk about fall furnace cleaning, how to remove debris from your furnace, and what these do to improve furnace efficiency.
Cleaning Your Furnace: The Basics
As your furnace works to heat your home all winter, it will gather dust, dirt, and grime. Not cleaning it can lead to specific problems. For example, your furnace could have difficulties starting up, or if it did ignite, it might fail to warm your home properly.
Sometimes, not-so-clean furnaces will also make strange noises, not to mention their adverse effects on indoor air quality. Replacing the filter greatly helps, but a professional tune-up might be better for a deeper clean.
Fall Furnace Tune-Up: What to Expect
Just as you must schedule A/C tune-ups before summer to keep indoor temperatures comfortable, a fall furnace tune-up is necessary before winter.
For homeowners in Peoria, IL, the furnace tune-up service typically includes an inspection of furnace components (for example, fan belts, burners, and sensors). It might also cover the repair or replacement of damaged furnace parts.
Tip: If your furnace hasn’t had a tune-up for more than a year, it’s time to schedule a service call. Remember, a tune-up will always cost less than a furnace replacement.
Furnace Debris Removal and Improving Efficiency
Suppose you’re always on top of tune-ups for your heating and cooling appliances. Is there anything else you can do to improve furnace efficiency?
Before spending on HVAC upgrades, consider the last time you had a good look at your furnace’s combustion chamber. It’s an essential part that affects your furnace’s day-to-day performance. Leaving it dirty will cause debris to build up, leading to corrosion.
Pay particular attention to removing carbon soot, carbon dioxide, and other debris from the combustion chamber. It would also be best to eliminate debris from the floor vents and the furnace’s fan. While these tasks may be time-consuming, doing them will help your system run smoother and lower your energy bill.
Let’s Get Your Peoria, IL, Home Winter-Ready
Furnace cleaning, including filter replacement and debris removal, will ensure your system works as it should. The last thing you want is a faulty furnace, especially with winter just around the corner. Fall is the perfect time to do this, along with other home maintenance tasks.
For your fall furnace tune-up needs in Peoria, IL, Lambie Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. can help. We specialize in HVAC maintenance, heating installations, heating repairs, and more. Rest assured, we will get your furnace winter-ready in no time.
To schedule an appointment, you may call us at 309-216-6619.